Sunday, January 17, 2010

Back to Square One

Republican Scott Brown won the senate seat in Democratic stronghold Massachusetts today. He's the first Republican senator in the state since 1972, beating Democratic rival and Massachusetts attorney general Martha Coakley by 52% to 47%.

Here is the potential problem: Scott Brown claims he won by critisizing Obama's health care and tapping into the general discontent staing:
"We already have 98% of our people insured here already in Massachusetts, so we do not need the plan that's being pushed upon us,". - So really he just used the unique demographics of Massachusetts to land a victory while many other states don't enjoy adequate health care.

But there's still hope: "I never said I was going to do everything I can to stop healthcare," he said, "I believe everybody should have healthcare, it's just a question of how we do it." - I can only hope that's true, Mr. Brown.

But you also pleged to be the vote that kills the current health care bill, bringing us back to square one at worst.

Which means the people will have to wait even longer for universal health care and worse, the last several months the Obama administration has spent vying and working for the current welfare bill will have been WASTED. FOR NOTHING! >:(.

And they can do it to. It takes sixty votes for cloture on an issue, and there are 41 Republicans in the Senate. None of them support

Conservative commentator Reihan Salam, co-author of the book Grand New Party, says there is "a real exhaustion with what many folks see as Obama's big government agenda". - They'll be more exhausted if they found out that Obama post-poned serious commitment to troop-increases overseas, the natoinal economy, many of the prommises he made to get elected - all things that affect at least most people on a daily basis

That's what it will come down to if the Republicans keep saying no: NOTHIN >:(. Voters are tired of policy gridlock and voting down health care will just perpetuate the issue. So say yes sombody.

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