Thursday, January 7, 2010


President Obama announces the failure of the federal government in stopping the terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from blowing up a plane.

They actually did catch him before he killed anybody, but because a misspelling of his name on the database led security to believe he did not have a valid passport, which he did. If not for this fluke, 290 people on a Detroit plane would have exploded.

Obama states that Abdulmtallab's name was on a data base of suspected terrorists, but the data was scattered over several databases.

A similar thing happens with the FBI. Hundreds of local police stations and the National agency don't communicate with each other, leading to duplication of research and ineffective crime-fighting-ery. An attempt to compile the entire FBI database back in the previous millennium ended in failure and a significantly larger debt.

People hear stories about police agencies that take months to find a dead girl's body in a crazy persons driveway when the neighbors noticed the fresh concrete and the crazy's rantings when the crime happened. Is this related? Probably not. But it makes good filler.

So the Bureaucracy and Decentralization has resulted in an impotent government (slightly). One more argument for centralized states. Click the link if you don't know them. But Obama is the big centralizing thing in the US, right? Every other branch is composed of 535 congressmen, or a heirarchy of judges. Obama is at the top of the executive branch, so its his job to pull stuff together, right?

Read more here
And here

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