Thursday, February 25, 2010

Animals have rights too

They may not be human rights, but they still deserve the same protections. Or think of it in the way that humans have rights to own animals and they have the right to uphold thier rights through upholding animals. Assumer the former if you wish an unhurt head.

There are many opposing arguments for that assumption, but I'm not here to indoctrinate you. Look it up, or consult your local library.

So Anyway, there exists an animal welfare bill that is requiring animal rights officers to have adequate background checks and undergo longer periods of training.

This has arisen controversy over an already low-budget service requiring more expensive training. Proponents of the bill point to corruption and incompetence in undertrained officers that results in more animal rights abuse. Dissenters claim the agency is already streched too thin and cannot keep up with the instances of animal rights abuse.

We could give them more money, but nobody wants to spend any. Not even the politicians.

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