Saturday, February 20, 2010


Two months into the new year, Congress is at a standstill, stuck in party-line votes, heated debates and electoral politics.

Democrats are afraid to take chances on anything that might alienate voters, and Republicans can stand pat and hope the anti-incumbent mood brewing in the country will help weaken Democrats' control of Congress.

And we're still in a recession. No matter what economists predict and analysists observe, the unemployment rate is high and stuff.

According to a national poll , Eighty-six percent of people questioned say that the system of government is broken, with 14 percent saying no.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released February 16 found that 56 percent of those sampled said most Democrats in Congress do not deserve to be re-elected. An equal amount also said that most of their Republican counterparts don't deserve re-election.

Republicans are blaming it on democrats. "Obama has't reached out his hand to the conservative part of america." Is it someone elses fault you're not more open-minded? Is it the African American's fault that you're racist because he didn't "Reach out his hand to you"? Unclench your fist, Bish.

That's not to say Democrats are perfect either. Who was Scott Brown's opponent? Oh that's right, some chick who didn't get out enough to win one of the MOST DEMOCRATIC STATES IN AMERICA.

The main problem I have with republicans complaining about the economy is that they had 8 years in power to prevent and fix the crisis AND FAILED. What have republicans accomplished in the last decade? Not much. And they think they deserve a second chance? Your second chance is available now.

Unfortunately Democrats haven't accomplished much either in the past few years. Lets keep our fingers crossed

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